Vegetarian Sandwich with Hummus
My sister sent me a ton of hummus - a 500g Ragu bottle worth to be precise and I accepted with trepidation. I have made hummus in the past and found it simply boring until I hit upon the idea of adding fresh home made panneer to it. My sis batch was even more bland than mine if possible. This time I am trying another trick: Pickling vegetables a la Debbie of Smitten Kitchen . I had to change the recipe of course. I am getting the stuff ready close to midnight. No to matchstick cutting, certainly yes to mandolin grating. Gau had used the last of my distilled white vinegar to try and make a bouncy ball out of Raw Egg and I had completely forgotten to replenish my pantry. Make do with Apple Cider. I mandolined carrots, beetroots and chopped onion and capsicum. I put carrot in the bottom, then onions, beetroot and finally capsicum. I heated 1 cup apple cider vinegar with an equal volume of water and about 1 teaspoon o...