Chennai Vs Bangalore

We have been here for 6 years now and are finally looking into buying a flat here. We would prefer south chennai - Adyar,Besantanagar, maybe Thiruvanmiyur. Prices here are exorbitant! We keep revisiting the question of best city to settle down. S. would prefer coimbatore, me Bangalore and my son wants to stay put right here in Chennai preferably in the apt we have lived for the last 6 years. He thinks we should just persuade the houseowner to sell this flat to us.
I have grown rather fond of Chennai in the past few years and I am increasingly disillusioned by the changes in Bangalore, so I reserve the right to mention the negatives of Chennai alone.
Weather sucks big time. Most days you cannot dream of going out between 9 and 6, it is simply too hot!
People are totally lacking in civic sense. From the hallowed grounds of IIT's guindy national forest to the innumerable supermarkets dotting the city, no one thinks twice about eating off of a plate/cup and just dropping it on the wayside. RA Puram Sangeetha, where you can park outside and eat right in your car is a case in point. The waiter will even mix your coffee and sugar before handing it to you.
The service is excellent and the watchmen are very meticulous about getting you a parking spot in the order of your arrival. What does get my goat is people the mess some of the car occupants make. This past Tuesday, on the 19th I observed a lady in a SUV wash her hands and drop her cup outside, right by the side of her car after eating in her car. I suggested using wash basin and trash can. Her response was a sarcastic " you never do this? Wow!" and she and her spouse clapped! No embarrassment, No apology, No improvement! I hope occupants of TN 10 S 9781 read this. Maybe Sangeetha should add an extra service tax to such people.
Another favourite irritant is people dumping their lunch remnants into the sink at work, rinsing their lunch boxes leaving the sink dirty. This friday I saw the guy in a i10 dump his left over tomato rice into the divider near Ambika Appalam signal on Sardar Patel road while waiting for a Green. What exactly is going to happen in the 4 - 6 hours between lunch and going home to warrant such fastidiousness? Why can't it extend to cleaning the sink/not dirtying the road?
The point is the people exhibiting such atrocious behaviour are well heeled. They are the first ones to complain about the dirt in indian cities and they are the ones causing it.
Bangalore has much better civic sense. The road side chaat stalls show no evidence of their popularity. They are also lot cheaper than Chennai.
It is a Julie and Julia obsession I guess, but I feel compelled to track my better eating promise.
Todays breakast was Cholam dosai, courtesy Adyar Sangeetha, lunch was Pasta with a Tomato+Pesto Sauce to cover my vegetable quota of the day and dinner Dosa + Tomato Gojju. Oranges, Sapota and Banana. Too much rice not enough vegetables today :(


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